Director of Photography

Aleve Direct Therapy - "The Bet"

Aleve Direct Therapy - "The Bet" (1:00)

This commercial video for Aleve called for some movie magic. We shot in a residential home and had to turn the dining room into a sushi restaurant for the last scene of the commercial. The partnership between the art department and cinematographer was crucial to ensure the location looked convincing in the commercial.

Early in pre-production for the commercial, we talked about the set dressing and props as a team. I suggested using diffused, Japanese-style room dividers. This sold the idea of a sushi restaurant, while giving me the ability to backlight the dividers to add depth to the room.

 Mark it!

Mark it!

 Gaffer  Mathias Peralta  tweaks lighting in the dining room turned sushi restaurant.

Gaffer Mathias Peralta tweaks lighting in the dining room turned sushi restaurant.